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Old 06-11-2014, 11:55 AM   #19 (permalink)
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I always used (in my shop) what came in the vehicle to eliminate the possibility of making it run worse. After what I experienced with the Ranger's plugs (earlier post), I see no reason to not use a plug that lasts 3 times longer. While you can run plugs far past their recommended intervals, I believe that places additional stress on the rest of the ignition system (potential failures increase), when gaps are allowed to grow larger. I've seen 100 + K on conventional factory installed plugs in Nissans, I would not recommend you run plugs 300% of their recommended intervals, but I would not hesitate to run my Fiesta and the Ranger to 100 k intervals oin their iridium plugs. It's more cost effective to run iridiums IF you plan to drive your car to 100k. If your goal is 30k go with OE and make sure you adjust the valves if your're going to pull the cover anyway. I like to break the lock (valve adjustment) nut and then use my finger to tension the threaded part unitl I feel a specific resistance on the widest gap feeler gauge, thne hold the shaft and tighten the lock nut, and recheck the gap. My old (sold) VX was in specs at 62k miles, valves had never been adjusted.

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