Originally Posted by cowmeat
I've been looking around for smaller side mirrors for the Black Widow, but all the ones that look like they would work well seem . . . .expensive!
Have you guys come across anything cheap?
I really want to stay under 10 bucks apiece if possible. If it costs more than that, I'd have to drive 50,000 miles to recoup the cost of the mod and I might as well stick with what I've got
Ebay link
Here's the ones I used, they were the smallest ones I could find on ebay. I used the stock holes for the mirror to hold them on with some thick washers and a spacer to give them clearance. They work equally well in the traditional horizontal position to give a wider view but I use them set verticle in combination with an inside convex mirror. The 2 mirror set up doesn't have any blind spots. The inside one was a safety first baby mirror at home depot.