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Old 06-15-2014, 11:02 PM   #30 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Carson City, Nevada
Posts: 612

Jimmy - '00 GMC Jimmy SLT
90 day: 21.18 mpg (US)

The White Gnat - '99 Suzuki Swift
Team Suzuki
90 day: 51.87 mpg (US)
Thanks: 240
Thanked 114 Times in 90 Posts
Max tire inflation, think synthetic oil in all the "boxes", max grille blockage without overheating, extend air dam to same level as "lowest hanging junk" under your car, and hypermile like crazy & 30 mpg should be no problem. I have actually hit 30 with my Jimmy when hypermiling like crazy, so....

My top hypermiling tricks are going as slow as I can get away with (get a ScanGauge & figure out your "maximum MPG speed" with two-directional testing). Then try to drive at that speed as much as possible. Get fanatical about reducing your idling time - Watch for traffic so you can throw it in gear and pull out onto the road without waiting within a couple of seconds of starting it. Same thing with stopping - wherever possible, throw it into neutral & kill the engine, gliding the last several (or several hundred) feet into your parking space. Make a habit of going into neutral and coasting IMMEDIATELY when you see a red or yellow stoplight ahead. Like I said in an earlier post - I see it as a game, like a video game I'm always trying to beat my "high score" on. "High score" being the best MPG on a tank of gas.

There are dozens of other hypermiling techniques too. You can search them out & start applying them. I'll bet with a little RAV4 (what size engine is it, anyway?) you can get to the point you never get less than 30. With my White Gnat (1999 Suzuki Swift 4 cylinder), like you and your 30, I was hoping I could hit 50 mpg. Now it's been over a year since I've had a tank less than 53!!! And that's mostly from hypermiling - my mods are minimal - blocked grille & warm air intake & high pressure in the tires. Well, and Mobil-1 synthetic 0-20 in the engine and Redline lightweight MTL 70-80 in the transaxle. Oh, and my ScanGauge - those things are worth their weight in gold!!!

A couple of axioms to live by:
> Idling = ZERO mpg
> Engine off coasting = INFINITE mpg
> BRAKING = throwing away the gas that bought you the speed you're now wearing out your brake shoes to reduce.
> Letting as many other cars as possible "beat" you to a yellow or red light (while you coast) increases the chances they'll trigger the "green" in time for you to sail through without stopping.
> When approaching a red light, braking early & slowing down may buy you enough time to avoid having to stop before it turns green again.

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