There's no reason any of those gases would pull any measurable heat out of your tires any more than the nitrogen would, and it also seems kind of irresponsible to test your theory on the road with no idea how those gases react with the tire material under heat & load, while pulling trailer loads of welding equipment.
Argon and Helium should not react at all with the tire material, they are both ideal gases of group 8 on the periodic table with full valencies meaning they do not react unless under extreme conditions, (I doubt the inside of a tire at a higher temperature is a concern). If the CO2 were to react the only reaction it would undergo is an oxidation reaction where it would gain another oxygen and become carbonate, again unlikely given the conditions and the carbonate would not react with the tire material as it would be a very weak base. The refrigerant might react, it depends on what its chemical make-up is.