How many batteries do i need?
Im an electrical engineering student and im doing a summer research project regarding making a hybrid system with a turbine engine as the power source. This turbine puts out 480VAC 3 phase and has a maximum power output of 60KW. Im wondering what sort of battery(s) would be needed to handle that sort of input. Right now for viability purposes we are looking at using lead acid batteries (car batteries). Im wondering how many of these i would need to hook up in series/parallel so that they wouldnt get instantly fried. We have a rectifier to convert the VAC into DC, and a transformer, though im not intimately familiar with their specs yet. From what i understand batteries use the amperage-hour unit to determine their capacity, but i dont really understand the A-H unit. So hopefully there are some pretty knowledgeable people here in regards to the power side of things.
Edit: i just realized there is a battery subforum, maybe this needs to be moved there...