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Old 06-18-2014, 02:59 AM   #20 (permalink)
Furry Furfag
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Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
I looked through the fuel logs and there is only one similar Honda, an 83 Civic 1500S hatchback (mid 30s MPG). I bought an 84 CRX 1.5 CVCC in 1983, the serial number was 1018, it was made in July 1983 and cost me $7k with no AC or radio. I drove it 50k miles and averaged 44 MPG.

You don't even want to think of a carbed CVCC Civic at 30 years age, unless you are a retired master Honda tech from that era.. If they were still that great there would be some in the garage on this site. In their time they were the champs, one car mag drove an 84 1.3 at 55 MPH and got 73 MPG.

With todays ethanol fuel, it might be hard to get one to run right on E10 if it (the car) was brand new, much less at 28 years age and closing in on 200k miles.

Oh I never really considered the fact it will never run right on E10, and then I thought for a minute, well more like 3 hours as I was at work when I read your message... My little brothers Carb'd 1988 Dodge Dakota doesn't quite idle right cold either... It never has since he bought it, and he does get really crappy mpg to, the best he can get driving 45mph on the freeway hypermiling like no other, is 14, yet his truck is rated for 17. That's gotta tell you something. He has had it tuned up, all O2 sensors replaced, everything.

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