Originally Posted by aerohead
Yes,you did good!
Some of the Firebirds and Corvettes were pure 'bottom-breathers,' it may be fine for the Saturn.
Keep your eyes on the gauge.Tomorrow is 1st day of Summer,we have a few months of serious heat between now and Fall. 
Praise from the master; thanks aerohead!
Some of my concerns, as I look at it more are:
1: Theory is block = better aero and air flow through the engine compartment; what are some factors that could contribute to not netting better MPG other than increased frontal area?
2: Does the fact that the lower bumper pulls rearward (causing a "<" shape at the front essentially) cause the grill block to be less effective than a purely vertical or even sloped out (wedge/ramp shape like Corvette and Firebird) design?
3: Should this all pan out and net better MPG, would a splitter mounted to the bottom of the lower bumper make things even better?
I'm over thinking things, I know, but this is what happens when you should be working on your thesis and don't motivate yourself properly...
The springs are rusty and fragile, I might switch to bungee cord but then again, if I go deeper (and am thinking wider to block front tires, I'm worried about the extra resistance flexing the springs just while running down the road. Also the shield that dam mounts to is only zip tied to the car up the front because of some damage to the rear of the bumper supports so I'm a little worried about extending anything that would possibly try to rip the zip ties out while on the road.
2007 Ford Focus ZX5 - 91k - SGII, pending upper and lower grill bocks - auto trans

1987 Monte Carlo SS - 5.3/4L80E swap - 13.67 @ 106
2007 Ford Focus Estate - 230k - 33mpg - Retired 4/2018
1995 Saturn SL2 - 256K miles - 44mpg - Retired 9/2014
Cost to Operate Spreadsheet for "The New Focus"