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Old 06-21-2014, 02:52 PM   #9 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by EcoSuperDuty?? View Post
Having one super reliable vehicle instead of a super reliable vehicle and a beater just makes sense to me, like I said no tools or experience so as soon as something breaks on the beater there goes all the fuel savings for the year.
Not every econobox has to be a rust-bucket. Something like a '02-'08 Corolla would be a good choice, and occasionally even handle some towing

I'm keeping the truck forever so just wanting to get the most out of it.
If you're gonna keep it "forever", you might feel free enough to do some experiences with it if you were more mechanically-inclined. Maybe it's time for a new hobby

Was looking at instruments but then heard that the scan gauge does not work on diesels?
Since your truck is compliant to OBD-2, the ScanGauge is going to work with it.
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