Thread: Hello!
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Old 06-21-2014, 08:33 PM   #10 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Morristown, AZ
Posts: 15

The Truck - '00 Ford F-250 XLT

*undecided - '12 Honda CBR250R Non-ABS
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Guys I don't think you are really getting the picture, I am buying a house I don't have extra money to buy another vehicle or the time to wade through all the cheapies finding the ones that have been taken care of instead of the lemons lol

I appreciate you trying to help really but you aren't going to sell me on getting a new vehicle right now.

With that said I do intend to start working on my mechanical knowledge and building up a tool and experience base but that's going to take time and the main reasons I don't want to drill holes in my truck are I don't have a drill and I don't want to end up drilling 3 times to get something to line up, which as most of you probably know is happens when you are inexperienced.

So simple things for now, more advanced stuff later lol

Also Scan Gauge 2 vs Scan Gauge E? Only thing I can see that I would want is the 2's ability to read codes if they ever came up other then that saving 50 bucks just to have instant mpg sounds good.

Last edited by EcoSuperDuty??; 06-21-2014 at 09:29 PM..
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