Total of:
Distance travelled on this tank
325.3 miles
Distance to empty
283 miles
The last 3 tanks in the Fiesta have been over 50 MPG. Keeping the total of distance travelled on the tank and predicted distance to empty above 600 total miles (currently 608) means I am above 50 MPG on this tank. Hope I can keep it there until the refill (12 gallon tank). Today's day trip was 54.1 indicated, much of it on the Interstate in heavy congestion at 60-65 average speed. The wife comments about everybody passing me because I am going slower than most of the traffic. Two miles later all of the idiots going 75-80 (80+ is reckless in VA) pile up on slower moving traffic and they all slow down to 30 MPH in a 70 zone. I told her I am not interested in joining the idiot accordion line. Started slowing down when I saw brakes lights a head about half a mile.
55.2 indicated when we got to our exit at Staples Mill RD off I64 in Richmond.