Originally Posted by ecomodded
She stopped for ducks ... not a head on collision .. Ducks .. she killed those people behind her for ducks..
The Courts derision is on this duck situation and not a hypothetical one.
So your point is the bike rider would not have to maintain separation unless there is something more serious going on. Please tell me how you expect to determine the point in severity of the on coming situation where the "this is seriously serious" threshold is reached and some alarm goes off to warn you of the impending event.
Terminal disaster anticipation assumes that warning is presenting itself constantly when operating any vehicle. Underestimating stupidity is a recipe for death and injury. There are still 100 people a day dying in the USA, most of whom did nothing "wrong" other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. They are still corpses.
I have posted this many times before, I could get in a wreck almost any day if I did not keep a large range of situational awareness tuned in constantly. Overly cautious, Paranoid, call it whatever you want and you will almost never be thanked for your vigilance although I have been thanked a few times by those less vigilant, the reward is I'm still here.