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Old 06-23-2014, 07:31 PM   #29 (permalink)
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I had a similar situation. I was being tailgated by a woman in a 1966 Chevelle. The car in front of me, a silver 68 GTO convertible stopped very quickly and left his rear end sticking out in the left lane of a 4 lane divided highway. Knowing I was clear in the right lane (situational awareness), I swerved over and the Chevelle slammed into the rear end of the GTO, spinning it around two complete revolutions, the impact was like an explosion.

The Chevelle slid into the grass median in the middle of the 4 lane highway. I turned at the next left into a Ford tractor dealership and told them to call the cops and an ambulance. I knew there were serious injuries. The rescue squad found the Chevelle drivers 18 month old baby up under the dash of the car.

The GTO driver was a mechanic who had just finished a brake job on the GTO and was "testing" the brakes (very poor choice of places to test). The GTO's owner was in the car with him. Although it was 40 years ago I can still close my eyes and see that wreck.

Long before child safety seats or even 911, the woman in the Chevelle ate the steering wheel.

So who was at fault?


Last edited by user removed; 06-23-2014 at 07:39 PM..
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