Hello all. I used to post here regularly but haven't been on in, oh, 4 years or so?
Anyhow my DD these days is a 2000 Toyota Echo I inherited from my wife. Sadly, it's an automatic. Her family bought it new and I started driving it after it had roughly 220k very abused miles on it. My lifetime average on it, since I started driving it is a bit over 39mpg. I'll have to update my logs which will be tedious as I currently only have an iPhone on which to do it. The car currently has 240k miles and I have battled a few chronic issues which (knock on wood) I have vanquished, the last three tanks have all been over 44mpg and the last one was knocking on the 45mpg door (44.94). Maintenance aside, very reliable car, it still has all of its factory hard parts in place. This one is showing it's age, though, and I have had to start thinking about replacing it - probably with another Echo, preferably 5-speed this time, or a '96-'00 Civic DX or LX sedan.
Looking forward to being part of the community again!
'97 Honda Civic DX Coupe 5MT - dead 2/23
'00 Echo - dead 2/17
'14 Chrysler Town + Country - My DD, for now
'67 Mustang Convertible - gone 1/17