The safety issue is practically a moot point since anyone can come up with anecdotes that support and refute the safety of drafting. There simply is no data that has examined the safety of drafting, and even if there was, it would be valid only for a very particular type of drafting (2 second follow in an SUV, for example).
I believe drafting a truck can be more safe when I am on my motorcycle. The truck will clear any obstructions that could devastate me, such as a deer. There is almost no situation where a truck could stop faster than me, and I ride near the center where there is little danger of something kicking up from his rear tire.
I'm not sure why truckers would care if you draft. Is there any situation that would cause them to be in more danger because of someone drafting? My guess is they don't like people following closely behind for the same reason that nobody likes a tailgater; it feels like you are being rushed by an impatient driver.