digital rules
I've been using a ScanGuage II since 2012. I was generally able to beat the EPA mileage for my old truck on everything but the mountain passes in Colorado. I hoping for more of the same here.
Old Mechanic, what's the driving like in your neck of the woods?
Here, I'm firmly in the suburbs at home with speed limits around 40-45 and lights every mile or so. The area I work in has more lights and is a little more urban (SLs of 35, lights every quarter mile). On instantaeous measurement, the Fiesta gets 112-130 going downhill to work and 36-40 coming back uphill, but with the lights, it breaks up that smooth cruising. I'm thinking with good timing, I can get up to 55 or so going to work(213 ft descent, SL35-40, 7 lights, 3.1 miles), and around 29-32 going to the bank (361 ft climb, SL 35-45, 10 lights, 3 stop signs, 3.6 miles), then about 42-45 coming home from the bank (174 ft descent, SL 40, 3 lights, 2.0 miles). I'm working on the route to the bank, as I know that's what's killing my mileage. Unfortunately, many of the routes with fewer lights, also have much longer cycles, up to 6 minutes. If I felt safe riding my bike for this, which I don't anymore, I know that would be the ultimate in efficiency. (I had a man clip the city street sweeper who hit the curb right in front of me while I was in the bike lane. Very high pucker factor.) Thoughts?