Originally Posted by jakobnev
Paint between the fins is not of much use since any radiation emitted there is mostly just reabsorbed.
The ideal configuration would be black on all external surfaces, and unpainted fins internally.
Painting the engine black should help a very small amount too.
Originally Posted by Daox
Anyway, what we're talking about is thermal radiation, one of the three forms of heat transfer:
1) conduction (heat moving through a material)
2) convection (heat altering the density of a gas/liquid and allowing it to move)
3) radiation
Funny how we call the cooling component on a vehicle the "radiator" when the primary method of heat removal is convection. Should it be called a convectorator instead? Perhaps convector?
However, the paint does add a layer of insulation, so when air is flowing over it, it is less efficient.
Not only does the paint add a layer of insulation, but it narrows the gap between the fins, which reduces the amount of air that can move through the fins and absorb heat.