Originally Posted by redpoint5
I used to believe that would be fair, but the fact is that we need children to finance our <s> social security </s> retirement.
People that raise children that are contributors to society actually do everyone a favor and improve their standard of living.
The evidence suggests that we have spent too much money on schools and defense. Furthermore, the federal government has no authority to be responsible for education. The Dept of Education should not exist.
Bullcrap. There is no human shortage by any stretch of the imagination so no, we shouldn't be paying people to reproduce.
Then there is the whole school funding mentality, where it is literally impossible to throw too much money at schools. Levies, levies, and more levies and it is never enough. 3/4 of the State's entire budget and it still isn't enough. State paid kindergarten and pre-school isn't enough- I suppose the State will eventually be teaching fetii in the wombs? You could give a school a Billion dollars and three years later they'd be back at the trough begging for more because, oh, their new heliport needs better lighting or their stadium needs an opening roof.