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Old 06-30-2014, 07:47 PM   #123 (permalink)
sheepdog 44
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Originally Posted by darcane View Post
As a parent with children in public schools, I don't think schools should be paid by property taxes. Throwing a nearly limitless pile of money at schools only encourages waste and grift and does nothing to improve their education.
My opinion would be to slash almost all of defense spending. What a pile of money we spend for over-cost things. It's been said that the money spent on the Iraq war could have funded a full college education for every highschool graduate during that period. The cost of shipping supplies over seas for war is exorbitant. I don't recall so i'm probably wrong, but i believe it cost $80 per gallon of fuel.

We could fund everything if we slashed defense spending. Aren't we an Island nation? It would be cheaper to throw cash at our enemies and enrich them to content laziness! The amount of food and aid that money could have bought instead of death and destruction.
I try to be helpful. I'm not an expert.
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