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Old 06-30-2014, 09:09 PM   #124 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Gentlemen, I hope this discussion remains civil, and that I am not making things worse.

Some of you may recall the discussion I led and lost control of for a school project, that I asked to have closed.

Dad always wanted to help the Native American tribes out here. He wrote grants and oversaw construction. He came up with projects to help them, building schools and other facilities, he built them a very large prison, and a total of $22m in buildings.

My understanding is that they needed to approve his projects and pay him a small portion of the funding they received, but he needed to fight to complete his projects and receive his pay.

I guess that he wore out. He passed away three weeks ago, leaving us a fair amount of debt.

No retirement.

He does not need it now, but Mom cannot support herself and my autistic brother. He always had plans for supporting the family.

As far as I know, he was at the hospital for 15.5 hours before a doctor actually saw him. It sounds like only nurses nurses talked to him and they took a cat scan, which they sent overseas, where it was misread.

Then there is me. I have two Bachelor's degrees and am a veteran. I work hard and try to take care of myself and others. Despite my studying, I do not do well in school. It took me two years to finish Dad's fence. I am thirty-five, want nothing more than to raise a family, and may never find a girl who wants to marry me that I actually want to marry. I am also very bad at sports and dancing.

Some people have more success in life because they work harder. Some smart people work hard all of their lives and still die poor.

Life is not simple, is it?
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