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Old 07-01-2014, 12:45 AM   #136 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by XYZ View Post
This is not an assumption, it is an observation.
Does the observation apply to everyone, under all circumstances?
Of course not, since very few things apply to everyone, in all circumstances. But it seems to occur frequently enough to be the norm.

I don't see anyone using chamber pots, nor do I see them emptying them in the streets. We are no longer living in the 16th century.
Sure, that was just a nice graphic example that everyone should be able to understand. The same mental attitudes lead large numbers of people to, just for instance, insist on getting their electricity from fossil fuels, because the adverse consequences don't show up right then and there, and affect them directly.

BTW, there is a difference between stupidity, ignorance and willful disregard.
Of course there is, but my point is that the effects on me are the same, regardless of which of the three motivated the action. As for instance, my dickhead neighbor who, every day at the crack of dawn, idles his oversized diesel truck for 15 minutes or so. Do I (and the rest of the neighbors) care whether he does this out of stupidity, ignorance, or willful disregard for his neighbors? We still have to listen to and smell the thing.

If you don't support "let live" you will end up living in a world of imposed misery.
The ones I'm thinking of as ignoring the "let live" are the self-proclaimed *libertarian"* types who, for example, think everyone else should be happy to breathe their second-hand tobacco smoke. They're happy to 'live', but come up way short in the 'let live' department.

*In quotes because I don't think they have the slightest understanding of what libertarianism is, other than an excuse for doing whatever they please, regardless of how it affects others.
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