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Old 07-01-2014, 03:43 PM   #14 (permalink)
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The primaries are probably dirty and the main emulsion tuibes. The hole in the primary jet is so small you have to file the tip of a needle to get in in the hole. Put it in some tarn-X then mechanically clean that hole. Get something that will fit in the emulsion tube holes and mechanically clean them then tarn-x. WD 40 and a blast of compressed air.

Not sure if it has accelerator pumps or not. I think the 450 Rebel did and the 250. You might need to check the floats. Use a clear hose and plug it into the drain and open the drain to see the fuel level in the hose with the top above the float chamber. Make sure both are the same.

I left old gas in the GS500 too long and when I last tried to start it one of the carbs flooded. Haven't messed with it since I pulled the tank, valves need adjusting and it really needs to be stripped cleaned and repainted, frame, swing arm and rear wheel. I think I was pushing 65 MPG in warm weather, 1989 first year of the GS twin air cooled.

Honda twins is a great forum but I sold my 71 CB 350. I prefer CDI ignitions.

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