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Old 07-01-2014, 08:23 PM   #14 (permalink)
Furry Furfag
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thank you guys for the help I appreciate it.

Cowmeat no he did not go to look at it because it was going to cost too much to register it in California.

also I am guarding a construction site but I am about 20 feet from the entrance and there are no plugs. I live in the desert lol.

Cobb that is what I am doing right now but I would like a bigger screen.

Ecomodded that is very good idea I think that is what I'm going to do. the only laptop I have right now has a 19 inch screen and it is a gaming laptop but it makes the 400 watt inverter I have trip and go crazy. I was unaware that non gaming laptops draw such little power.

as for all the interesting questions I ask about you guys have been very helpful and I do appreciate it. I think I'm going to be setting up a TeamSpeak for us on ecomodder soon.

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