Any other furries on this forum?
As most of the forum members here are... Older then me, I can't imagine there are any fellow furries here on these forums but I thought I would ask just because. If your a furry, chime in! If you don't know what a furry is, please don't Google it. For the love of God please don't Google it.
It's a harmless Fandom where people (such as myself, most don't) dress up as the animal that they have the closet connection to. It's not perverted or anything like that but, some do use it to mask their animal fetishes and sick perverted practices. Just like anything, it gets abused and the real people, such as myself get scrutinized for what the small part of the population does.
Last edited by Baltothewolf; 07-02-2014 at 09:21 PM..