This thread amuses me (to answer the question, I'm not a furry, but I do take blame for finding amusement in figuring out and suggesting better ways to manufacture stuff, fursuits included.)
Is it a bad sign that I can name at least 4 friends that are furries (yes, I do corrupt them with ideas on how to streamline construction and improve thermal management because I get bored, my thermal dissipation system mk 3 design is basically many small ducts that use the skin of the back as one of the walls of the duct and a few squill cage blowers to force air through the ducts (the original intention of the design was to raise the thermal dissipation while biking uphill in 100F+ heat with direct sunlight, but that was easy to design so that it could run passive and active with a tiny power budget and thus known as mk 2)) and can spot a furry with a prohibitively small amount of data about that person (and I haven't made a false guess yet)?
(Mk 1 was mk 2 but built under the assumption that I could use a mister to limit how much water was lost to sweat in the system (on the really hot days, baseline water consumption exceeds 4l/day.) I concluded that there would be more benefit from decreasing the power requirements by ditching the pump and letting sweat glands keep up with the evaporation due to the headaches of implementing total loss evaporative cooling.)