07-04-2014, 11:28 PM
#150 (permalink)
Changfa diesel + Suzuki
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Northern, NY
Posts: 527
Centurion - '74 FIAT X1/9 Centurion Full Race DNA Last 3: 143.5 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by sendler
An interesting comment about increased economy despite adding 1,300 pounds in an aero trailer.
"The highest mpg I've recorded with my truck was when pulling my gap-filled, full-boat-tail trailer.I was 1,300 lbs heavier than stock and recorded 22% better mpg than the best ever recorded without it.(47.9 vs 39 mpg)"
Yes, let's continue the volley since you revived it!
Looking at the "keywords" in the passage - here is what I see:
"gap-filled, full-boat-tail trailer".:
The phrase never says, same trailer with 1300 extra pounds thrown on for good measure, it suggests a more aero trailer that weighs more, but more importantly, supporting the notion that aero is where it's at, and if the aero happens to add some extra weight than so be it.
You may have missed my earlier post:
basically asking if you might wish to back your theory at next year's Green Grand Prix by simply adding (possibly even doubling) more weight to your bike and then publishing the numbers. If you are correct and blow away your previous mpg at that venue, then we might be able to come up with a formula where adding X-pounds = added mpg. This may be a really cost effective way for folks to gain mpg's on the cheap. So, what say you? Will you put your theory to the test as suggested? 