I believe that I have complained about this before, so please forgive me, although I believe that reading is voluntary!
So, I finished school several weeks ago, spent two weeks at my parents' house, helping with various projects, I was preparing for Annual Training with the National Guard when my father inexplicably passed away, so I am staying with my mother and helping her get her life together until she can sell the house and move down to the Valley.
I have commented on here multiple times that I like you guys more than my real friends. The friend that talks to me most writes atrociously, she rarely uses punctuation or capitalization, spells poorly, and often has other writing errors, and I frequently need to ask her to clarify what she wrote. She just acts angry and complains.
Sometimes, we have good conversations. I created a profile on a dating site to ask what to do up here and gotten some different women to talk to me, but it has been pretty frustrating.
I will complain more later, but please allow me to leave you with this, thanks to some Internet crazy: