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Old 07-12-2008, 03:19 PM   #2 (permalink)
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front plates

Originally Posted by pasadena_commut View Post
California requires front plates and the only vehicles where they don't mess up the front aerodynamics have huge flat bumpers, like SUVs or trucks. Are there any states which allow stickers or even painted on numbers instead of front plates? I believe the primary reason California requires front plates is so that they can identify the car at a red light camera. Personally I'd be perfectly happy to put a sticker on the front bumper, or even the roof, with letters twice as high as the ones on my front plate now. These could be like "rock blockers", so no adhesive and no damage to the paint.

Maybe we should try to convince Arnold (and the other front plate states' governors) to push through an alternate plate number display ordinance, as an emergency measure to save gas? I mean, it makes a lot of sense - the states end up with more cars than now with "front plates" and the drivers would save on gas, at least on the highway.
Yeah pasadena,since the Governator is all about green now,maybe the State House and Senate could do some retro-legislation,deleting the front plate in the name of Clean Air Act Satandards, and in response to President Bush's comment about America's addiction to foreign oil.Perhaps you can do a form letter mass- mailing to Sacramento.
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