Hey Beav, wonderful world of ebay. They have a listing on some that would cost ~ $160 delivered. OR. Rockauto.com has a listing for $98. each + s&h.
Personally I'm a CheapB@$t@rd,(ask my wife). sooo. I called around to the plastic forming shops in my area. This is where it pays to let your fingers do the walking. I found most of them are unwilling to even talk to you if you don't want to spend THOUSANDs of $$$. ---but--- I talked to one guy ( he calls himself "The Plastic King" his website is
http://www.theplasticsking.com/ . great guy to talk to very knowledgeable in the field) AND he gave me(read free) several small pieces of Lexan to try out our ideas. Same as what you see above. Told me how to heat form it ( so it holds the bend) and what kind of adhesive to use. I hadn't though of screws until I read th post.
Going now to play with coroplast on my new bumper cover and get some paint (wouldn't do to look too hillbilly).S.