Originally Posted by Ecky
Directly - you tap one of your injector grounds and it measures how long your injectors are open. Combine that with a connection to the VSS and you have fuel used and distance. You have to calibrate it, but there's a table in the wiki that should get you very close to start with. 2-3 tanks should get you within 1%.
An MPGuino is actually the only accurate way to measure fuel used in lean burn engines (and possibly for those who use engine-off coasting too). OBD port based meters can't account for these things.
Hi If the amount of fuel going though an injector at any given time also depends on engine load ie reading from map sensor and mpguino doesn't take this into account then how does it do the consumption calculation within 1% accuracy ?
My car has a map sensor on the intake manifold will mpguino still work accurately ?
I was thinking of going the obdguino route however there is no 16 pin obd connector present only the ones i mentioned about previously would a 3 pin to 16obd adaptor cable work?