No, I have the speed 3 (MPS 3 overseas). The regulator might be computer controlled, or have a delay in it; not quite sure.
By the time I get around building the bank for my project car, they may have 4k farad caps out, or the carbon nanotube capacitors with chemical battery like densities might be available.
As a side note, I don't recall if I said this in another post, but since the charge rate on these things usually follows a curve that drops off as the voltage increases (across the cap) then a viable balancing solution might just be to run a bunch of them in parallel.
For example, if you have 3 banks of 5 caps, the charging rate across each row of 3 caps should balance out themselves based on the differing properties/charging rates of each cap; they should also leak down to a similar level, and probably a bit more quickly. One thing I noticed in my testing was that after the caps leaked down and settled, when recharged to full voltage, the leakdown was nowhere near what it was on the first charge up from 0 volts.
This is something I'll probably have to test, but it's worth looking at IMO. Maybe I'll pick up 2-3 banks of the 350s to play with.