Paid government trolls rove internet in search of resisters who oppose police state tyranny -
"These insidious trolls typically pose as regular folks, pretending to have honest opinions on matters of real substance such as food freedom and gun rights. But secretly, their agenda is to sway readers toward the state agenda, which in both of these examples involves promoting heavy restrictions and government control. Paid government agents are also now using the fraud of psychiatry to brand dissenters as having mental illness, an egregious tactic of tyranny that has been around since the days of Hitler and Stalin.
The way it works is government agents rove online forums, news article comment sections and other hubs of digital discourse, looking for "troublemakers" that threaten state power and control."
Be very carefull! The poster next to you MIGHT be a government/corporate agent. 
Then again...I might just be a paranoid crazy..... Imagine...anyone doubting the motives of our beneficent government...such a shame. After all the corporate controlled government has done for us...foolish wars and financial ungrateful. I feel so ashamed.