Originally Posted by backpacker3
I was always taught to avoid buying gas at places that aren't busy because they might be selling gas that could be over a month old because they don't have enough business to need to fill the tanks sooner and not to get gas right after they have filled the tanks at the station because it stirs up sediment and crap at the bottom of the tanks at the station that can then mess up your car.
The first idea is a myth. Gas stored for a month in a sealed tank is not a problem.
The second idea used to be plausible decades ago. In more modern times pumps have filtration systems on them.
I don't know how true either of those are but logically they make sense so I usually try to follow them. I do know however that if you have gas sitting in your car for 3 months that you'll start having problems at that point.
No, that's not true either. I have a car that is in storage for more than six months per year and have been doing that for decades. Never had any problem with gas left in it.