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Old 07-22-2014, 04:37 AM   #54 (permalink)
Furry Furfag
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Winsight - '00 Honda Insight
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Miaderp - '95 Mazda Miata
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Originally Posted by California98Civic View Post
Maybe you didn't get such low MPG. Could be some pump variation in there. And that's a relatively smaller fill, so that could be some of the explanation. Do you go to the same pump at the same station each time? Always pick slowest fill rate? Always stop pumping at the first click? Do all that and fill at closer to empty 9 or 10 gallons used, and you'll reduce data noise and make it easier to figure out what's happening.
I edited my post above about the questions with the pump. Anyway, yea I always stop on the first click and the pump I go to naturally pumps really slow, it's why I always go to that pump specifically. I got laughed at time before last I went to fill, because someone was at that pump so I parked behind them, turned off my engine, waiting for them to finish then pushed my car into the spot LOL.

I think the damage to the front end might be at fault as well, tbh. The hood isn't sitting flush by a long shot (about a 1/4-1/2 inch gap) so I'm thinking that's killing me as well. When I get paid on Friday I plan on buying 2.5" lawn edging for a air dam, and I'm gonna take my car to a body shop and ask them how much it will cost to bend the front end back into place.

Oh also, last but not least, UG said I got 42.6mpg that trip.

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