Found some used replacement swivel wheels fer the front support legs on eBay. They should be here within a week. It will be nice to roll the trailer around again instead of picking up the front end to move it. Total cost was $17 shipped...not bad fer my initial boo boo.
I will be cutting the bottom of the support leg guides as well as the tops of the support legs back about an inch as I've noticed that the wheels have been scraping the driveway as I back in. The swivel wheel drops the back end of the trailer when backing up. This mod will allow me to raise the wheels up at least another inch to allow fer the clearance.
I will be building a mock up of the shock absorber from some PVC pipes and the connecting frame out of Coroplast so I can determine the range of motion and proper placement to allow fer clearance in the raised and lowered positions as well the physical requirements of the shock absorber. I could probably figure it out with math but I like playing with physical things. I will probably need to put the attachment points on swivels so it will allow fer slight rolling when the frame flexes.
I'm still thinking about cutting the front access doors back a few inches to allow fer better clearance from the back of the truck since they don't need to be as long since I have the clear gap covers attached to the truck/aero cap. It should fairly easy to revamp it since it's assembled with that capability in mind.