Another question for the thread first: Do my thoughts on construction and design of the Kammback seem reasonable so far?
Also, maybe I'm misunderstanding the concept of A-B-A testing, but wouldn't that be a rather long process to use in testing several different angles/configurations of kammbacks? Wouldn't that be better as a final design testing method, or if you're down to just two or so options?
Also, I have an automatic, so does that mean that I cannot do coast-down testing for the Kammback if I would need to hit the brakes to shift to neutral? (I apologize for my naivete and many questions. I really am very new to these car test methods, so I'm trying to understand the concept and usefulness of each.)
"On the 8th day, God created kammbacks. And God saw that it was good."
-Genesis 1:32