I've been reading over this thread, and I am seriously impressed with the lengths you have gone to in order to replicate/beat the original's claims of MPG. I would love to have a car like this! Something that has me curious, and maybe you've addressed this in another post somewhere: safety!
I know that you have constructed this thing from foam and fiberglass, which, having spent a lot of time working on fiberglass boats, I know is strong. However, is it strong enough to take a hit from a behemoth (comparatively) like a Prius, let alone a loaded Escalde or the like? I can see from your pictures that there really is a serious lack of space in the interior, but have you considered a roll bar or something of the like? It did occur to me that the base car it was built off of was not exactly up to modern safety standards itself.... Maybe you just have the mentality I have when I am on my motorcycle, and that is "Don't get hit."
If I had the time and money to do this, or something similar, I absolutely would. Great job on your build!