The kammback tail is finished. Yesterday I made the two sides, much easier using aluminium.
Then came the task of making the big acryl window on top. And just like the side panels, it went horrible. When I wanted to drill, bend or secure the panel, cracks were forming and pieces eventually broke off. So lesson learned, I will never use acryl again. Looks nice, but a pain to work with.
So in the end I've should have gone straight for the aluminium panels. Works easy, looks good and they are lighter. I added a rubber strip to prevent cutting myself (or someone else) on the sharp edge of the sheet. And between the hinge where it attaches to the car. Also added a little handle to allow easy opening.
Couple of things I still have to do.
Weigh the tail, hoping it will be under 10 kg.
Possibly paint the whole thing white, cooler in the sun and less reflection for other drivers.
And tonight when the roads are calmer I plan on doing some coast down tests.