Originally Posted by California98Civic
I wish I could thank the previous post twice.
Revisiting this report now because my CA emissions test is in August and the rules are stricter this time... I take the conclusions reported on p.197 to mean I'll get best results will come from a 2 hour soak at maybe 130* F (~50*C) with a steady, slow flow through the catalyst. For me that might mean a big pot, a thermometer, my BBQ grill, and a big spoon to stir! Thoughts? I'll buy a new CAT if this effort fails, but it seems greener and cheaper to source some Citric Acid from a farm supply or wine supply place and try this first...
But, you do need some form of feedback to know if you have success or not. In my case, it was the simple expedient of running until the code cleared showing the downstream O2 sensor was in a cleaner environment. Some test stations have pre-test services for 20 dollars or so, but in my upscale neighborhood, they want their 50 bucks no matter what.