Coroplas is stiffer than cardboard, but it's still darn flexible.
My guess is you will need the aluminum bar to keep it from flopping at highway speeds.
On model airplane wings, 5/32" steel rod (called music wire) is used to
reinforce coro. You spray a little silicon inside one of the little channels and then force the steel rod inside.
This wing has a 16" music wire about 2" behind the fuel tank.
I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think my Blue coro is the light blue version.
But it does look lighter in the pic (above)..
It's a little tricky painting coro, since it has some kind of coating over it.
I've noticed the paint on my stuff isn't too durable. I've heard of guys
heating it with a propane torch to burn off the coating. That's the tricky part, not scorching the plastic so bad it melts.
My fav for models is the White or Yellow. I like the way it looks and it seems to cut better. The darker colors almost seems softer for some reason.
I just got back from Auto-zone and they didn't have any metal tape.
I'm gonna haft to wing it..