Originally Posted by ALS
This whole gas shortage garbage was created by Government.
What gas shortage? I haven't seen any lines at gas stations, or signs saying "No Gas Today". Seems like anyone can buy all they want, if they're willing/able to pay the price.
We have had this major exodus from out cities due to high taxes and a decline in the quality of life. The people fled to the suburbs...
I think you've got that backwards, too. You seem to be thinking that living in a city is a normal state of affairs, when historically it's anything but. It's just that before automobiles & cheap gas, living in a city was an economic necessity for most people. When people got the means to change this, and obtain even a halfway decent quality of life by living in a suburb, they did so.
If there's a solution, it's not cramming people back into cities, but realizing that today people often don't have to be physically where the work is located.