Originally Posted by deejaaa
that is a confusing statement. are you telling him not to EOC in gear? i should hope he doesn't do that already.
are you also saying the TDI will go into DFCO, in gear, coming to a stop, with the engine running and be better at saving/using less fuel than EOC? hhhmmmmm. either i am confused about all this or i'm doing something wrong. i get 60 consistently each fill up and i EOC all the time. should i leave it on, coast in gear, idle at the light and save more?
EOC is the most efficient way possible, so is leaving it off at lights.
However, tuning an engine off just after a high load pulse is a good way to run the turbo bearings dry and ruin the turbo. The rule of thumb is to wait 30seconds, this makes EOC'ing a turbo all but impossible. This is especially true for TDi's that are on boost much more often than petrol turbos.
If someone has EOC'd their TDi for 100K+ miles and the turbo is still fine, I'd like to hear it. As it stands, I'll just be content to EOnC my turbos.