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Old 08-07-2014, 04:51 PM   #179 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Grid Charging Only

So I've read almost all of this. What I haven't seen and I have a question about is whether solely grid charging would be sufficient to sustain the battery in the cases where there might be a few bad sticks. Or is cycling all of the sticks the only way to sufficiently operate the battery again. I understand the cycling will increase their capacity, but not necessarily balance it. Grid charging will balance it but not increase their capacity. But if a pack is balanced but a few sticks have lower capacity, is all this will mean be that the battery will need balancing more often, since some will discharge/charge at different rates? I don't mind having to grid charge more often if I can avoid taking out the whole battery and going through weeks of testing. And I'm aware of other potential problems that can occur, I am presenting this situaion in the possibility that the only thing potentially wrong in this imagined scenario is bad sticks and/or imbalancing.

Thanks so much for these amazing posts!
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