groar -
Originally Posted by groar
Thanks for your reply.
One of my first rules was to release the accelerator until I loose a little speed. Loosing a few percentage of speed while saving 10% of gas/CO2 is efficient 
Another important rule was to use engine brake as much as possible, my cars doing DFCO.
After several rules, all were based upon the same philosophy : accept to loose a few percentage of time to save tens of percent of gas.
As I'm only a learner, I'm only saving about 20% compare to my previous mileage. I have to confess that I'm often in an hurry, and I'm rapidly forgetting to calm down to save gas/CO2
But one of the rules which saved me more gas/CO2 is to find the best road & schedule to avoid traffic. This permitted me to save gas/CO2 and time 
My wife who is trying to do the same since a few weeks said me that she does prefer to drive this way and we concluded the same thing : you're now more relax at the end of the trip than at the beginning, which can't be the case when you use the time saved on the road, if any, to try to relax.
I agree. I am lucky because my boss allows me to drive "off-peak". I get to work later and leave later, but I avoid the traffic. Driving slower is less stressful for me also. When I am forced to drive fast, I am usually in very crowded traffic. It is crazy because when I am in faster traffic, the space between the cars is also smaller, so reaction times are smaller.