100 lb for the motor, gearbox and differential is AMAZING! I may even call Toyota and ask what a replacement costs. Likely $20K but I should ask
This is my new favorite thing:
After reading e*clipse's comment, I went down to the Toyota parts counter and asked for a part number, price and availability. Their microfische system showed a coventional FR third member in the Hybrid.

He suggested if it were available, it would run $5-8000.
My thinking runs ($8000 over base price) ==> (ignore the contoller, split 50-50 for batts and motors) ==> (split 1500-1500-1000 for the motors) ==> $1000on the assembly line ==> 5x though the parts channel; so, yeah.
It looks affordable compared to this:
Made in Australia, it has a carbon-fiber cage in the form-factor of a Porsche 901 transaxle, a Quaife limited slip diff and heat sensors and cooling for the gearset, and about 10x the power. So I think the Highlander part should be retrofitted with a transmission cooler, for the continuous duty cycle.