Hi, Long Time Lurker
Hey guys,
I've been reading this forum for years and years, first couple posts here though. I aeromodded a few things on my 98 Ram diesel back in the day and was consistently getting 20-24mpg until I started modifying it. I did some minor stuff on my 2005 Avalanche, now I'm looking for bigger and better results on my new to me truck. My 2009 Avalanche has a 6 speed, plus it has cylinder deactivation so I'm hoping to at least get into the mid 20s. My drive home from where I bought it in Toledo, in total stock form I was able to get 24.5mpg (on the dash, not hand calculated). I'd be thrilled to get that every tank.
Already done;
Partial grill block
In the works;
Sail panel hole plug
In the future;
Cleaning up the underbody flow
Aerocap or tweaking the factory setup
Thanks for the years of information and interesting reading.
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