Originally Posted by jakobnev
My "money saved" already exeeds the cost of buying the car.
I'm fractionally there- in 6 months and 12k miles, I've spent $2682 on payments and gas for the Honda. That's $232 less than the Xterra at its EPA rating would have cost me in gas alone.
I was killing myself to beat the Xterra's 15 mpg rating, and hypermiling the Honda is as simple as driving it gently- measuring the Honda against what I was managing to eke out of the Xterra puts me $369 behind (but a lot more relaxed, in a reliable and legal car). When I finally get around to soldering up my kill switch, I won't even have that horrible impending cost of a new ignition lock cylinder looming over my head.
And while I try not to bring too much momentum into a turn (it's a bit wasteful), I won't stop carrying what I've got through the turns even if I can hear it.