You have to guess at the load unless you have a device that can access your cars software through the OBD port. Also, throttles are not linear. You may be only breathing on the go pedal but the software may be programmed to give 50% instead. Chryslers I've driven lately want to get after it pretty hard even if your trying to be gentle on take off. With an automatic your going to have frictional loses from the torque converter. I've been told that there may be as much as 20% loss on my 87 Dodge pickup under heavy load. I have rigged an overdrive switch so I can get lockup very early to avoid a lot of that loss. It will only lock in 3rd gear so I have to deal with the losses until I get to that gear and then I may be lugging the engine too much to get the most mileage from it. I can only manage 13mpg in that vehicle. My wifes auto gets 31-35mpg and its a conventional three speed automatic that with lockup in between every gear to get six effective speeds. Thirty mpg is about what I've seen in Camry's like yours. I think if you have an automatic 4 cylinder its better to get briskly going at first and get to torque lockup maybe around 30mph? I seem to remember that 2200rpm being good point for 2 liter 4 cylinders in general.