pgfpro, your three posts are chock full of good reading.
I don't want to tell you to start another thread but it bears discussion on it's own.
My father was once a baker and when he pulled his 7 grain, molasses sweetened whole wheat bread out of the oven, it was worth eating with nothing else because of its hearty goodness.
These posts are reaching those levels. Good stuff. I will have to link to this as reference.
The description you put forth of your device parallels work done by Orbital of Australia in heavy fuel spark ignition. They use a modern air assisted injector to facilitate the atomization of JP-8 and diesel. Similar injectors are found in Hondas and Subarus and some Italian makes if I remember correctly. They, however, do not specify the use of hot, 250 degree air.
I am utterly intrigued by the possibilities of your work, along with soulcrushers and others. Add in what Kirk mentioned about electric heating and there is a real possibility of a working system that can approach what a Transonic injector can provide.