First syns have less friction on start up vs pet based oils need to be warmed to lubricate as designed 2 impurities absorb heat and as they break down deposit in the engine absorbing heat and blocking heat transfer surely you have taken a few engines apart and seen this . The oil I use is fully syn no mineral base or pet base . So directly no you are correct there but pet oils break down quickly and their ability to reduce friction diminishes quickly. As the oil breaks down it decays and its abilities suck as reducing friction do diminish. Dont have fuel logs just did this . Have you ever used either k&n or mobil 1 ? It would be my guess you have not and are going by what you have read. I have gained a lesser usage of gas and that is all I care about. I dont give a rats a-- what anyone thinks and could care less . Do you honestly believe all these posts of rediculous mpg s. You really think every one of them is 1 truthful 2 honest 3 accurate , sorry But I find it rarher hard to believe . So if it was to be true why have they not made the attempt to prove it with a reputable third party that can document it. You know dyno accurately measure volume of fuel that sort of thing because frankly fuel logs are proof of what some ones word not facts. Is not this forum word of mouth based on honest entries that are more accurate than most are capable of.