Originally Posted by aerohead
AT Dynamics' Trailer Tail is designed for collapsability and minimum displacement when nested against the trailer.It's way out ahead of nothing,aerodynamically,but is intentionally compromised for operator ease of operation and also DOT length limitations.
My rendering comprises the most complicated geometric structures as far as fabrication goes.There's not a flat surface anywhere and the subtle curvilinear contours needed for boundary layer protection are everywhere.
Kamm's last project has this complex form
Tou can see how NASA went gently into the 'slopes'
I took advantage of VW's existing curvature when I did my Transporter
These curves are very important to the boundary layer.
So it's not that they aren't appropriate design, they are just to "simple" with straight lines and flat panels... Got it.
I got out my protractor and a pic of my Beast, it appears that I have about a 30 degree departure angle with my hitch. I would need to maintain that steep angle for my non-paved adventures... I routinely drag my hitch, so a lower angle would probably be a quick trip to catastrophe with a boat tail. I know the steepest angle on the "teardrop" aero template is 22 degrees, so how screwed am I with my need for 30 degrees? I'd hate to build this thing and then see no improvements due to my design limitations
Could maintaining correct angle/curve on the sides and top be good enough? Could I do some sort of rear belly pan/diffuser that would assist in directing air up along the bottom of the tail?